Hi 👋

My name is Elena Verna, and I’m a Growth Hobbyist.

One day I was all young and cool, and then I began an obsession with B2B Product-led growth and sales 🤯😂.

Subscribe to my blog if you want to learn

  1. Work stuff: How to create predictable, sustainable, and competitively defensible growth systems for B2B. Spoiler alert, I heavily prefer the Product-led growth (PLG) framework.

  2. Career stuff: How to unlock career optionality.

My blog is a reader-supported publication, so please consider upgrading to paid if you like what you see. Only $9/month or $99/year to keep getting amazing content delivered weekly to your inbox!

About me: I’m a solopreneur (founded in 2019). I spend my time creating courses, advising companies, taking the occasional interim gig, and angel investing. I’ve helped companies like SurveyMonkey, Miro, Amplitude, Dropbox, MongoDB, Veed.io, Netlify, Clockwise, and many more.

Oh, and I’m an avid Reforge lover and course creator. #Reforge4Life.

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Subscribe to Elena's Growth Scoop

A weekly growth newsletter about product-led growth, product-led sales, and solopreneurship advice.


Always be learning. Currently doing growth at dropbox. Previously surveymonkey, miro, amplitude, netlify. Advised mongodb, clockwise, sanity.io, krisp, and many more.